That freakin’ pink tax. Even if you haven’t heard of it, you’ve definitely paid for it! Have you ever looked at a box of regular disposable Gilette razors and noticed the price tag difference between the male and female targeted versions?! Yep, it’s freakin’ ridiculous. There’s even a little rumor out there that not only are the men’s razors cheaper, but they’re better too! (Because of that, I have been buying disposable men’s razors forever!)
It all sounds a bit cuckoo doesn’t it?! Good news is there’s a company out there that’s wants to change our razor-buying experience! In fact, they’re claiming they’re the razors built for womankind. That’s a big statement, my friends!
Who Doesn’t Love a Good Deal?
I had my eyes on a razor company for a while now. Some of my friends had tried Dollar Shave Club and loved it…others not so much! It wasn’t until one day a Billie ad popped up in my feed and practically made me click it, scroll through the website, and instantly purchase a subscription (Yeah that sounds good…let’s blame the ad for my compulsive shopping tendencies!).
Seriously, though, Billie gives you a starter kit which includes a razor (color of your choice), magnetic shower holder, and two replacement cartridges for only $9! And then, if you continue the subscription, it’s only $9 for four replacement cartridges! AND you get to decide the frequency of your subscription. WIN. WIN. WIN!
The Rundown
- Product: Billie Razor
- Price: Starter Kit: $9 (includes razor, magnetic holder, two replacement blade cartridges) | Ongoing Subscription: $9 for 4 blade replacement cartridges
- Where to buy: Billie website (use that link for a $20 credit!)
- Perks: Safe for Sensitive Skin | Dermatologically Approved | Natural Ingredients | Toxin Free | Free Shipping
How It Works

Everyone is different on this (even Claudia and I are polar opposites on this!), but I shave my legs and underarms daily. Yep, every single day. Even in the winter! Why? For one, my hair grows so fast it’s insane (that Italian blood is strong!). For two, I can’t stand it when I’m prickly! (And that happens in about 4 hours so yeah…I shave a lot!) Claudia, on the other hand, usually shaves once to twice per week. That’s mostly due to the fact that she’s #blessed with less hair growth than me.
As you now know, I depend on my razor daily! It needs to work well, last a long time, and not cost me my life savings! I always thought that should never be too much to ask, but until I met my Billie razor, it had never been possible.
Getting Started with Billie
The signup process for Billie is super easy! You just pick the color razor you want (I have blush and Claudia has coral), and set your subscription frequency based on how often you shave. So yes, this subscription is perfect whether you’re a Claudia or a Sam! Next thing I knew, my new razor was at my door in some super cute packaging!
The starter kit comes with the razor (with a blade head on), a magnetic holder for your shower, and two replacement blade cartridges. All that for $9!
Love at First Shave with Billie

You know how they say when you find that perfect person, you just know? That’s the feeling I had with my Billie razor. Nope, I’m not being even the slightest bit dramatic. This razor is life changing! Since the razor is encased in aloe soap, I thought it would be best to give it a full trial run. So, I shaved without soap…(GASP!) And you know what happened? Since that day, I have never shaved with soap again. That’s how amazing this razor is you guys! My legs have never been more silky smooth.
Naturally, I texted Claudia and told her how amazing this razor was and she used my code to get a $20 credit and signed up too. Next thing I knew, I was getting a text from her saying how she had never used a better razor…ever! She had all the same results…no more soap and silky smooth legs! What could go wrong?!
My First Fight with Billie
Even the best of relationships have their quarrels…right? Between my Billie razor and I, the quarrel wasn’t even over the razor…it was the magnetic razor holder. This nifty little feature made my life so easy for the two months of its life. It was SO nice to just plop my razor on it’s little holder and know it was safe from harm’s way.
Then, in the middle of the night, there was a loud crash in the house. Thinking it was an intruder (again, not being dramatic…this is a true story), Patrick grabbed the golf club he has under the side of his bed and ran downstairs to attack. I, on the other hand, ran to the bathroom only to discover my precious Billie razor on the bathtub floor…ugh. And while, yes, we were totally relieved to find out we didn’t have an intruder in the house, I was totally devastated my super cool holder was no longer a thing!
Turns out, my magnetic holder wasn’t the only one to crash. Claudia’s did too! WOMP, WOMP.
My Love Continues with My Billie Razor
Despite the one intruder/crash incident, my Billie razor and subscription has been nothing short of amazing! The replacement blade cartridges always arrive on time. Honestly, the greatest thing is just never having to think about buying razors anymore. Subscriptions have totally changed my life for things like this! From vitamins to tampons, I totally love how subscriptions have made managing those little pesky errands so easy!
The Results
I think the reason why Claudia and I love Billie so much is you can tell it’s a high quality product at a super low price. When something is affordable and works so well, you really can’t go wrong! Neither Claudia nor I can ever picture ourselves trying different razors and finding anything better than our Billie razors!

We’ve found the best of the best in you, Billie! You so deserve this 9/10 rating!

[…] comes to using this razor (or any safety razor for that matter). We have been a little spoiled with our favorite cartridge razors that move with the natural curves of our body without us having to think about […]
[…] you just can’t deal with going to the store and getting razors, then we highly recommend Billie. We reviewed these a while back and we both used them for about a […]