I’m kicking holiday anxiety to the curb.
Anyone else feel extremely anxious around the holiday season? Between buying gifts, attending all the holiday soirées, traveling to see family, and being totally off my routine…it can feel like a lot. Don’t get me wrong. It’s all good things but also a bit overwhelming. Not just mentally but physically and financially.
This year, I’m choosing to do things a little differently so I can feel completely on top of my game and be fully present in the magic!
Basically, I’m doing a few things now that will make future Claudia very happy. And I hope these tips help you finish off your year on the most positive note ever!
1. Budgeting for gifts
I typically don’t buy gifts until after Thanksgiving because I’m not one to rush into the holidays. But I’ve realized the earlier I start budgeting and shopping for gifts, the easier it is in the long run.
Last week, I created a list on my phone of all the people we’re buying gifts for this year along with a gift idea and the price. If I’m not sure what to get them yet, I assign the person a specific budget so I know what to plan for.

With a total gift budget in place, I’m able to set aside a specific amount each week towards that budget so that when I’m ready to buy gifts, I have the money available versus it being a huge hit to my bank account all at once.
Alex and I love to do this for big trips too! We count back the number of weeks before the trip and start setting money aside so we feel financially confident going into a vacation.
I also suggest you start buying gifts now, little by little. If you’re at the store and see something you love for a special someone on your list, get it! Even if it’s only October.
It’ll be easier on your wallet and mind if you buy a few gifts at a time versus stressing over a huge shopping spree at the last minute.
P.S. let me know if you’re interested in a gift guide in the comments!
2. Daily movement
Thanks to my Happy Girl Fall Challenge, I’ve been on a roll with incorporating daily movement into my routine. And I’m so glad I’m doing this now so that when the holidays come around, I’ll already be in the habit of moving for at least 20 minutes a day. It’ll be a non-negotiable for me regardless of how wacky my schedule gets.
Even just a 20-minute stretch or a quick walk around the neighborhood helps so much with my mood and eases any lingering stress/anxiety. So I highly recommend you create a daily movement routine now so you feel nice and strong when the holidays come around.

You guys know by now that my absolute favorite workout program is P.volve. I love how easy it is to fit their workouts into my routine. Even a quick 20-minute strength and sculpt, leaves me feeling energized, strong, and ready to take on the day.
This is also a great workout program if you’re on the go. I love to bring my p.band and heavy ankle band with me when I travel. They’re light, easy to pack (I stuff them in my shoes), and are used in tons of their workout videos.
They even have an On-The-Go Series that is hotel/small space friendly! Perfect for when you travel over the holiday season.
Get $30 off the Essentials Kit (includes both the p.band and heavy ankle band!) plus 3 months of streaming access with my code GLOW30.
3. Mindfulness practice
The holidays can be very triggering for a lot of people. Maybe you deal with family drama or you’re missing someone who’s no longer with you. Or maybe you absolutely adore the holidays and put a lot of pressure on yourself to make it perfect for your family.
Wherever you stand, it’s important to have a strong mindfulness practice during such a hectic time of year.
And just like with your daily movement, I suggest you implement a daily mindfulness practice starting now. It’ll help you learn to prioritize time for yourself, which is crucial for your mental health (and also hard to come by during the holidays!)
Types of mindfulness activities you can do:

- 10-minute meditations with the Calm app
- Headphone-free outdoor walk
- Writing a gratitude list (5 things you’re grateful for that day)
- EFT tapping – Gala Darling is my favorite!
- 10-minute body scan
- Breathwork – my friend MB has some great resources for this!
It doesn’t have to be complicated nor does it have to take you a long time. Just 10 minutes of daily mindfulness will leave you feeling centered and calm. I highly suggest you do this first thing in the morning if you can so you can start your day on a high note. But don’t stress if you can’t! Even during lunch or before bed are great ways to fit it in.
With these 3 tips under my belt, I’m feeling more excited than ever for the holiday season to come!
It’s all about creating healthy habits today that will become second nature to you by the time the holidays roll around. You’ll have your gifts bought (or at least budgeted for), a great daily movement routine that brings you all the joy, and a strong mindfulness practice to help center you when things feel chaotic.
Let me know if you liked this post in the comments and connect with me on IG (@uncovertheglow) to see me implement these tips IRL!