Shop till you drop? Not with Stitch Fix.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing these personalized subscription clothing boxes EVERYWHERE. Many different companies were popping up on my social feeds, but Stitch Fix seemed to really want my business. I mean, even my boss (who’s male and Generation X) has been using this subscription for months.
It took me a while to convert on this one because let’s be real…do I really need someone to do my shopping for me? I honestly like to shop!
Ever heard of retail therapy? It’s real and I wasn’t sure I was ready to give that up.
Change Rolls in with the Seasons
Leaves were starting to fall, kids were going back to school, and I was looking at my wardrobe knowing it was time for a refresh, but between a busy season at work, plenty to do with the blog, and wedding planning galore, I wasn’t sure I would have the time to hit all my regular stores.
So I finally gave in, got out of my athletic clothes all day every day habit, and started my Stitch Fix account!

The Rundown
- Product: Stitch Fix
- Price: $20 styling fee per box. That fee is deducted from the price of any item you decide to keep.
- Where to buy: Stitch Fix website. Click here for $25 off your first fix!
- Perks: Free Returns | Free Shipping | Mobile App
First Impressions of StitchFix
Step One: The Lengthy Stitch Fix Quiz

Before you get your first fix, you have to take a style profile quiz. It’s a little lengthy, but every bit info helps! They ask everything from typical size you’d wear in tops, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, etc. to your body type (even including where your waistline lines!).
After the body type is covered you’re onto preferences! What parts of your body do you like to flaunt? What types of jeans do you wear? Loose or tight tops? Pick all your favs!
Then after looking at different style sets and rating how much you like them, you’ll enter in your price preferences for each type of product.
Last, but not least, you may link to your personal social media accounts (Pinterest is a biggie here!) so they can take a look and see what your style is!
My First Fix
After finishing my style quiz, I downloaded the Stitch Fix app to see what it had to offer. The best thing about this little app was being able to update my preferences or add requests to my next fix as soon as I thought of them. My fix was due to arrive in the same month I was scheduled to have my engagement photos, so I requested something I could wear for the pictures, but that’s all I said! I was very vague. I wanted to see what they would come up with and if they would even mention it. Just putting them to the true #COtest!

Sure enough, when my first fix arrived, it came with a little note from my stylist saying she thought the dress would be perfect for the shoot! Although I didn’t end up wearing it because the weather didn’t agree, I did buy it because it’s too cute and it’s rare for me to find a dress that fits so well! I also kept the green jacket because c’mon…so dang cute!
What Didn’t Make the Cut
For the most part, everything in my first fix fit my style perfectly! I didn’t keep everything because:
- I didn’t want to spend that much money
- The other pieces just didn’t “wow” me!
It’s not that I wouldn’t have worn the other pieces, I probably would’ve but they weren’t anything special and not worth the price tag TBH.
So that was bad news, but with that came some good! The return process is easy! In each box, they send pre-paid packaging for you to send back anything you don’t want. You have three days to try everything on and make your final decisions. Once you do, you submit your feedback online (I like to use the app for this) for each piece. The feedback includes if you’re keeping or returning, the fit, the style, the price, etc. You give it all a sliding scale rating and then complete the checkout process for the items you want to keep. Easy peasy.
My Second Fix

I didn’t have any requests for my second fix. Just send some cute stuff, please! I definitely got a few cute things, but unfortunately a few of the things were too big this time around! So I kept the plaid flannel and the cute maroon purse…but the rest was sent packing!
So the results were in…I had a couple solid keepers from both boxes, but the rest was just eh. Everything was great quality, but I also couldn’t envision myself spending all that money every month. With that, I decided to turn my subscription frequency to “when I request it” and I was left to decide if StitchFix was really worth it.
The Results
Deciding if I was “certifiably obsessed” with Stitch Fix was harder than I thought it would be. Yes, I had four really cute new pieces to add to my wardrobe, but I had to get real…were these things I couldn’t have found on my own? Did they really amp up my style game that much?
Here’s the thing: I could’ve found similar pieces on my own. Maybe I wouldn’t have had time to physically be at the mall, but shopping online? I can manage that. Were they really that spectacular? The only piece that really wowed me was the dress. And yes, that’s great there was one awesome piece, but it’s just that…there was only one.

I may reach for my Stitch Fix app if I have another unique need for clothes like a photoshoot or maybe Claudia’s bachelorette party (can’t wait!), but until then I probably won’t be reaching for my app.