My biggest advice for mamas? Be as prepared as you can for the postpartum phase.
Wowza. You always hear how tough it will be, but you never really know until you’re there. It’s a crazy time! You’ve just birthed a beautiful human, and while you get to know that little cutie, you also are getting to know a new you. Meanwhile, your hormones are taking you on a wild rollercoaster ride. Oh, and don’t forget your body is physically recovering from what was probably the most physically taxing thing you’ve gone through.
No big deal 🙂
With all that going on, the last thing you want to think about is what products will help you through…you just want to have them on hand, ready to go. So I’m here to share my postpartum must-haves!
Note: I had an emergency c-section that I was by no means prepared for. Actually, I was really prepared for a vaginal birth and had all the things for that. That said, I ended up using some things I had on hand already, but also purchased or was gifted other great things from other c-section mamas.

High-Waisted Granny Panties
Whether you have a vaginal or c-section birth, you’re going to want some good ol’ granny panties on hand for a couple reasons:
- You’ll need big undies for the big pads you have to wear.
- The high waist is essential for c-section mamas so the seam rests way above your incision.

Large Ice Pack
This ice pack is a total must-have for c-section mamas. It straps right on and stays put where you need it most. They gave me a fillable ice pack at the hospital but it was crap compared to this!

Frida Mom Upside Down Peri Bottle
Another must-have whether you have a vaginal birth or c-section! You still bleed with a c-section and bending over to wipe and clean up is really difficult in those early days. And the peri bottles they give you in the hospital are fine, but really, the upside down feature of this one is SO worth it. Tip: Put one of these in each of your bathrooms so you never go without it!

Pain Cream
You’ll be in pain…trust me. My biggest pain was in my back and shoulders from breastfeeding and I was so happy to have this on-hand! A fellow mama gave it to me and I remember being SO grateful it was there.

A lot of women love the disposable diapers for the postpartum phase and honestly, they weren’t for me. That said, they’re probably really nice for those recovering from a vaginal birth. For me, I wanted a little less stuff down there so big pads did the trick! These were by far my favorite pads. (Truthfully I hate pads though…typically I’m an exclusive tampon user.)

Belly Band
Brace yourself…literally! With a c-section, you’ll need something bracing your incision site because man-oh-man is it painful. Don’t even get me started on laughing, sneezing, or crying. I loved this band because not only was it great for postpartum, but it was great during pregnancy too!
Those are my postpartum must-haves…for now!
While it’s been 4 1/2 months since I gave birth, I’m still learning and adjusting to my new postpartum body everyday! That said, I’m still experimenting with products to use too…especially when it comes to treating my scar. So I’ll keep you guys posted on that front, but for now, this will do.
And mama, if you’re about to enter the fourth trimester here’s my best advice:
be kind to yourself, know that you’re probably going to be an emotional mess, accept and ask for help, and remember to drink water!