When it comes to finding an eco-friendly swap or two, we’re all about making sure they’re easy and realistic to our daily lives.
In all honesty, we want to be as nice to our planet as possible, but we just know if we don’t have low-barrier alternatives, we’re just way less likely to upkeep the routine! From our beauty routines to daily household products, there are so many ways to be more eco-friendly! It can be totally overwhelming, but we’re sharing our favorite, less-overwhelming swaps to hopefully help you change even one thing in your routine!
Let’s go green, shall we?
P.S. All of the below products can be found on Amazon. If you’re interested in more of our Amazon favorites, click here for beauty and here for home and travel!
Eco-friendly swap #1:

Silicone bags instead of plastic disposable bags
These are great for packing snacks or meals on the go, storing leftovers or freezing fruits and veggies for your smoothies! They’re also great for cooking (ex. using a sous vide!). Plus they’re dishwasher safe!!
Eco-friendly swap #2:

Bees Wrap instead of plastic wrap
Plastic wrap to store leftovers can be such a waste! Not to mention it’s so annoying trying to finnagle it out of the packaging. These Bees Wrap sheets do just the trick at keeping food fresh. Only drag is you have to wash them by hand but they’re easy to wash!
Buy them on Amazon (pack of 3 for $18).
Eco-friendly swap #3:

Silicone baking mat instead of parchment paper
Never deal with cutting parchment paper to the right size again! These are great because your baked goods will NEVER stick to them, they last forever and they are super easy to wash! These are better for the earth and they actually work better from the alternatives.
Buy them on Amazon (2 for $13.99).
Eco-friendly swap #4:

Reusable produce bags instead of the plastic ones at the store
The plastic produce bags at the store are handy when necessary, but they truly produce so much unnecessary waste! I love these because they’re durable, look nice in my fridge and are eco-friendly. Plus, they have the tare weight tags on them so the cashier can deduct the weight of your bag from the total weight so you only pay for the goods…not the bag!
Buy on Amazon (15 bags, 5 of each size, for $15.99)
Eco-friendly swap #5:

Reusable cotton pads intead of disposable ones
Anyone else guilty of going through so many cotton pads in your beauty routine? For removing makeup and applying toner, these reusable cotton pads are a game changer! I love that they’re easy to clean with my laundry every week. Note: I still use normal cotton pads for removing my nail polish.
Buy on Amazon (20-pack for $15.99).
Eco-friendly swap #5:

Microfiber cloths instead of paper towels
I’m totally guilty of going through SO many paper towels while cleaning. Now that I’ves switched to microfiber cloths, I actually like them better than paper towels. They’re much more durable (obvi) and they don’t leave a bunch of fuzzies behind. Highly recommend for all of your cleaning needs!
Buy on Amazon (8 cloths for $12.95).
Eco-friendly swap #6:

Reusable water bottles
This one may seem obvious, but if you find a really good water bottle that you love, you’ll never reach for a plastic water bottle. The key for me is finding one that’s big enough to last me for a good portion of the day so if I’m out and about, I’m not tempted to buy water if my water bottle runs dry. I love my 40 oz. Hydro Flask for this reason! Oh and of course, the straw lid.
Buy on Amazon (40 oz. for $49.95). These new ones are dishwasher safe!
Eco-friendly swap #7:

Stainless steel straws intead of plastic disposable ones
I’m not an extreme straw person that carries my reusable straws with me wherever I go (I probably should), but I love these for home and on-the-go use for drinking smoothies or iced coffee! The true perk is they’re dishwasher safe.
Buy them on Amazon ($3.99 for 4 straws).
Eco-friendly swap #8:

Silicone dish scrubber instead of sponges
First of all, normal sponges get so gross so fast so these are just a better alternative in general. The great thing is these can just be boiled or popped in the dishwasher when they’re too dirty and then you’re back to using them. Plus they just do a great job of cleaning!
Buy them on Amazon (4 for $10.79).
Be friendly to mother earth!
And be friendlier on your bank account while you do it! Honestly, one of the big perks of being more eco-friendly is just saving the extra money you spend on restocking disposable products! It’s a win-win for everyone.
Do you have any other favorite eco-friendly swaps we didn’t mention here? Let us know! We love a good eco-friendly tip.