Let’s kick the season off on a positive note!
I don’t know about you, but the shift from summer to fall can feel very heavy for me. I’m a summer girl through and through, so when the first signs of fall make their appearance, and I realize winter is on the horizon, the depression hits hard.
But I’m on a mission to not feel like that this year! I want to embrace all the beauty and freshness that comes with a new season, which is why I’m launching the Happy Girl Fall Challenge, and I hope you can join me!
It’s going to be easy but will help us all get into more positive routines this fall.
How it works
This 6-week challenge starts Monday 9/19 through Monday 10/31. During these 6 weeks, we’ll be focusing on brightening up our routines and nurturing our body, mind, and soul. We’ll have a total of 6 goals that we try to complete either on a daily or weekly basis.
Here’s the breakdown:
Goal #1: Move your body for 20-40 minutes a day
This can be anything from a high-intensity workout to a relaxing 20-minute stretch. The key is to choose movement that brings you joy!
I’m joining my P.volve fam in their Tone Up For Fall Challenge! If you complete 12 workouts in 4 weeks, you win $50 to spend on P.volve apparel, equipment, or supplements.

All you need is the p.ball kit, which is 20% off right now for new members and gives you access to 3 months of streaming!
Goal #2: Go on daily walks
I started doing this back in July and have noticed a huge shift in my mood when I’m able to get outside for some fresh air on a daily basis. Because I work from home, I’m pretty sedentary the majority of the day. So I’m trying to get my booty moving more by going on daily walks that are anywhere between 30-45 minutes.
I want to continue this habit into the fall, even when the weather gets cooler because it really does make me a happier person.
So let’s make it our goal to get outside for walks once a day.
Goal #3: Meditate, journal, or do EFT tapping once a day
Meditating, journaling, and EFT tapping have all been extremely beneficial for my mental health. I like to meditate when my mind is busy, journal when I need to set intentions, and tap when I need to boost my confidence.
My favorite way to meditate is to listen to a guided session on the Calm app. They’re usually 10-15 minutes long and help soothe my mind so I can start my day with a clear head.
When it comes to journaling, you can either focus on gratitude and write down 5-10 things you’re grateful for every day, or what I like to do is write 10 “I am” statements that reflect the best version of me and how I want to show up that day. So that could look something like this:
- I am charismatic and attract all the right opportunities and people into my life with my energy and personality.
- I am proactive and don’t put off the things that scare me.
- I am an exceptional wife and bring joy, peace, and laughter to Alex every day.
- I am healthy from the inside out and make choices that prioritize my mental, physical, and emotional health.
I learned this technique from the wonderful Kelly Brock. Listen to this podcast episode to learn more about her journaling practice!
And if you’re new to tapping, check out Gala Darling on Instagram and YouTube to learn more about this incredible method. It might look silly, but I promise it’s life-changing. I love to follow her High Vibe Honey guided tappings when I need to boost my mood.
Pick 1-2 of these activities per day depending on how you feel!
Goal #4: Read for 20 minutes before bed
No phones, no TV. I’ve seriously been obsessed with my Kindle ever since I got it over the summer. I’m reading more now than ever, and I love making this a part of my daily routine.
My goal is to read for 20 minutes every night before bed. It helps ease my mind so I can sleep better. And when I sleep better, I’m a happier person.
Goal #5: Connect with an old or new friend once a week
Pick a friend to check in on, send a loving message, or call to catch up with once a week! There’s nothing like connecting with your besties to boost your mood and fuel the soul.
ICYMI: My mom and I just launched a friendship club for women called Minded Society where we help women connect with one another so they can find and build their tribe. Memberships officially open at the end of October, so be sure to add your name to the waitlist for more info!

And, in the meantime, join our Minded Society Facebook Group to start connecting with a fab group of women who support and empower each other every day.
Goal # 6: Plan “fun” into your weekly routine
I think we can all agree that the more fun we have, the happier we feel. So for the next 6 weeks, we’ll be incorporating some sort of “fun time” into our weekly routines.
This could be making a new dinner recipe, baking your favorite pumpkin spice goodies, treating yourself to a coffee, watching your favorite spooky movie, or trying a new hobby or game with your partner.
Anything that will bring out your inner child and let your soul play!
Download the weekly checklist

Let me know if you’re in!
Comment below or DM me on Instagram to let me know you’re in for the Happy Girl Fall Challenge so we can all keep each other motivated! Can’t wait to check back in with you guys in 6 weeks to see all the progress we’ve made this season.
Remember, happy girl vibes only!